Quick Quilt, Please!

You get an email or text or phone call and someone you know needs a quick quilt for someone you care about. Our quilting “schedule” and line up is always subject to these “quick quilt” requests. I can usually respond to these with a creation that is already made, but sometimes the request is compelling enough that it calls for action.

This request arrived in the form of an email from a former co-worker looking for a quilt for another former co-worker. Yes! For her I will rustle up a quick quilt.

After perusing a bunch of videos, and making a false start on something that I did not like at all, I opened up my EQ8 software and designed a relatively quick and easy quilt. Usually I will import the actual fabric into my EQ8, but I am on a tight deadline here, so went for approximating the fabric with similar colors. Within in an hour, I had a pleasing design using HSTs.

The fabric I had in mind (the teal, periwinkle and soft lavender) was purchased at a favorite little shop, Union Fabrics, in Port Townsend, WA several years ago. I loved the fabric but had not found a use for it. Perfect for Kate, I thought. The flowered fabric was left over from a project several years ago.

Cutting and making the HSTs filled the rest of the first day. Day 2 is putting those pieces together for the center and piecing borders. I had to make an adjustment on the color of my original design as I ran out of the teal, but fortunately I had enough in the periwinkle for the outer border.

Starting to lay it out.
And then I wondered; should I switch around the colors in the middle row??
No! I like the original layout better.

Day 3 was finishing off the borders. Now it’s ready to sandwich and quilt. Finished size is 65″ x 74″.

Into the TBQ pile! (To be quilted), but I may need to interrupt my schedule as this one is on a deadline.

Happy quilting; may your quick quilts be a joy to make.



  1. Oh Lennea I love it, when I opened your blog I noticed the header straight away and though Oh gosh that’s a lovely header, then read the blog. She will lOVE it!


  2. Hi Lennea! I think it’s fun to be asked for a quilt in the middle of other projects. Since I rarely have deadlines, I promptly put aside everything for requests like this. I sure do like your quick quilt! The layout is fun and it should be fairly easy to quilt as well. Thanks so much for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

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